申・shen – 08071



GODIVA Biscuits

GODIVA Pretzels

Venchi ITALIA 1878 Gift box 16 Pcs

Japanese Fruit Jelly

Blue Diamond Roasted Almond

普洱茶餅 蘇太名醬XO

金柚一個。溫室蜜瓜一個。日本青提子一串。日本水晶梨兩個。日本蘋果一個。芒果兩個。楊桃兩個。火龍果一個。布冧三個。奇異果三個。蘋果兩個 。橙兩個 。梨兩個。南水梨一個。富貴柿兩個。士多啤梨一盒。綠寶石布冧三個。美國水蜜桃兩個。無花果三個 。

Download our PDF Mid-autumn catalog HERE


As fruits are highly seasonal, we may replace fruit items displayed in the photo with in-season fruits of equal or better value to ensure optimal quality of each hamper.